HowTo – Update your online profile
How do I update my online profile when participating in a exhibition?
Your online profile on the exhibition website consists of a company profile and one or more product profiles. As part of your participation in the event, we will provide you with an online profile with your basic company information as a basis. You can add further individualised information to the company profile and create product profiles.
In the participation section, you can independently control which company profile and products make up your online profile.
If you edit your company and product profiles in the SelfService tool, you must then (again) publish the online profile so that the changes are shown on the exhibition website. This last step is to be seen as an active approval of your changes. Up to this step, you can edit your company- and product-specific information in SelfService without affecting your online profile on the exhibition website.

Select participation on the dashboard
An online profile is updated within the respective (exhibition) participation.
Click on the participation that needs an update. It is marked accordingly.

Update your online profile
1. Check whether the desired company profile is selected.
(Optional: Select another company profile. If required, assign or adjust further product groups and/or industry to this profile.)
Note: The product groups from your stand registration are already assigned to you. An adjustment has no effect on your stand placement at the onsite event.
2. Check whether the desired product profiles are selected.
(Optional: Select the relevant products and assign them to corresponding product groups).
3. Click on "Update online profile".
→ Your profile changes are now published and will be visible on the exhibition website in a few minutes.
→ You can access your online profile on the exhibition website and check it there.

Support SelfService
If you need assistance in managing your online company or product profile, our support team will be happy to help you.
Send email +49 9 11 86 06 88 06