FACHPACK | Subscribe to press news
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Your contacts

Helen Wirries

Helen Wirries

Press team FACHPACK

Would you like editorial information on FACHPACK or may we support you in your reporting? We are happy to assist you and look forward to your enquiry.

Send email +49 9 11 86 06 81 29
Bild von Christina Freund.

Christina Freund

Press team FACHPACK

Would you like editorial information on FACHPACK or may we support you in your reporting? We are happy to assist you and look forward to your enquiry.

Send email +49 9 11 86 06 83 55

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Accreditation to FACHPACK

You are welcome to accredit yourself as a media representative for journalistic coverage. We look forward to seeing you!

Visitors walking towards the entrance of FACHPACK.


You still haven't found all the information you need? We have summarised all the answers to the most frequently asked questions about FACHPACK for you in our FAQ.

Close-up of a cardboard product.

Exhibition committee & honorary sponsors

Achieving more together - the advisory board & the conceptual sponsors of the European trade fair for packaging, technology and processing 2024