FACHPACK | Students Day
Interested students follow a presentation at the Student Day
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Students Day on Sept. 26, 2024 at FACHPACK in Nuremberg

Successful networking: Students Day brings companies and young talent together. FACHPACK is organizing Students Day together with the German Packaging Institute (dvi) on 26 September 2024 in Nuremberg.

Experts and students exchange ideas at the Student Day

At the invitation of FACHPACK and the German Packaging Institute (dvi), more than 60 students from German-speaking countries will meet with professionals from seven to ten packaging companies and brand owners to exchange ideas about the requirements of the future and to work on specific issues in workshops. In addition to the main topics of sustainability, the focus for both sides is above all on establishing valuable contacts. 

Bringing the right people together is the expertise of NürnbergMesse and the dvi. This applies not only to current stakeholders along the value chain, but also to those who will continue to write the packaging success story tomorrow and beyond. Students Day 2024 is an important cornerstone of our work with young talent. 
Past dvi student conferences have impressively demonstrated that such initiatives pay off and are met with strong interest from universities, students and companies. It is no coincidence that there are specialists among the company representatives who got to know their current employer as students in the last or penultimate year at the student days and are already doing significant work today. This is what real success stories look like. 

This year, a FACHPACK trade fair rally, a meet & greet and workshops will take place as part of Students Day. 

Students Day registration

All interested universities and their students are cordially invited to participate. Please register by e-mail by September 09, 2024.

Student Tour

Our special student tour offers prospective professionals the opportunity to discover exciting exhibitors and career opportunities.

Impressions and review

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