Start-Ups Show Highlights at FACHPACK
8/2/2024 Start-ups Article FACHPACK 2024

Start-Ups Show Highlights at FACHPACK

Young innovative companies are driving the transformation of the packaging industry. FACHPACK 2024 supports them with the Young Innovators stand and the Newcomer Pavilion, where they can present their pioneering solutions. What highlights can visitors expect?

Visitors at the Start-up Area at FACHPACK Young companies present their packaging solutions at the "Young Innovators" pavilion.

The packaging industry is in the midst of a transformation process - the circular economy, decarbonisation and digitalisation are the principles that companies are increasingly focusing on. Young and innovative companies have a key role to play in this process of change. With their courage to break new ground, they can disrupt old ways of thinking and inspire and surprise even experienced industry giants.

However, the greatest difficulty for start-ups and newcomers is the step from a good idea to successful commercialisation. FACHPACK supports young companies on this path by offering them two special platforms. One is the "Young Innovators" joint stand for German start-ups and young companies, which is sponsored by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection (BMWK). On the other hand, international start-ups based outside Germany can present their products and ideas to interested packaging specialists in the Newcomer Pavilion.

Visitors at the Young Innovators joint stand at FACHPACK The joint stand offers start-ups a platform to make new contacts.

The "Young Innovators" joint stand, organised by NürnbergMesse, is specially designed to offer these young companies a platform. Supported by the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA), which reimburses up to 60% of the stand costs, the participants can present their ideas and developments to a broad specialist audience.

The joint stand brings together a diverse selection of companies. A common thread linking all exhibitors at the joint stand is their strong commitment to innovation and sustainability. Above all, they are focussing on modern technologies and environmentally friendly solutions to revolutionise the packaging industry.

Evopack, for example, develops sustainable packaging solutions for the chemical industry. Their focus is on long-lasting product protection that is both environmentally friendly and efficient.

Exhibitor Sykell, on the other hand, has developed the first ERP system specifically for the circular economy. It is designed to efficiently organise the management of reusable items and deposit processes for circular business models. Its innovative reusable system "Einfach Mehrweg" enables the sustainable use of food and beverage containers through an open pool system. This makes it easier to fulfil legal requirements and promotes sustainability.

Yourpac specialises in sustainable and customisable packaging made from recyclable mono plastic. This food-safe packaging offers high oxygen and moisture protection and can be customised according to the customer's needs.

These and numerous other start-ups at the joint stand in Hall 2 show that not all the possibilities of transformation have been exhausted and how important it is to offer young companies a platform.


Focus on International Newcomers

Introduced for the first time at FACHPACK 2024, the Newcomer Pavilion is now replacing the previous "International Start-up Area". This new initiative offers newcomers in the industry and at the trade fair a special opportunity to present themselves. The pavilion is already fully booked and will start with six participants and promises to be a highlight of the trade fair.

Exhibitors in the Newcomer Pavilion will be selected according to clear criteria. Companies that are considered newcomers in the industry or have their headquarters outside Germany are welcome. Further criteria are a company age of less than five years, employment of less than 20 employees and a business segment in the field of packaging and packaging technology. In addition, companies may participate a maximum of three times and not have booked their own stand space to date. First-time exhibitors and newcomers have the ideal and cost-effective opportunity to present themselves and their products at FACHPACK 2024. They can make valuable contacts, expand their network and tap into new business opportunities.

For example, R-Cycle, a company that has developed a digital product passport for plastic products, will be showcasing exciting trends and technologies at the Newcomer Pavilion. This enables comprehensive traceability along the entire life cycle and supports the efficient recycling of plastics.

The Olfasense stand is all about the odour of packaging. The company develops services and technologies for odour analysis, i.e. the sensory and molecular evaluation of packaging. This enables packaging manufacturers to ensure that their products do not have an unpleasant odour.

Sustainability is the focus at PPSPAX: the newcomer specialises in customised protective packaging. Its innovative designs enable fast packaging processes and a high packing density, which saves costs and protects the environment.

Overall, the Newcomer Pavilion and the "Young Innovators" pavilion at FACHPACK 2024 promise to be exciting stages for innovative ideas and technologies in the packaging industry. Visitors and participants can look forward to the fresh impetus and new business opportunities that the start-ups will bring with them.