FACHPACK | Sustainability - made by SÜDPACK

Hall 4 / Booth Number 4-220

Sustainability - made by SÜDPACK


  • Research, development
  • Packaging samples
  • Packaging design
  • Certification, qualification, validation
  • Design, planning


  • Research, development
  • Packaging samples
  • Packaging design
  • Certification, qualification, validation
  • Design, planning
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Product information

In the area of ​​sustainability, SÜDPACK offers four building blocks:

  • Sustainable Product Design

When developing our packaging solutions, we use two criteria:

Criterion 1: recyclable structures

Criterion 2: films with a minimal CO2 footprint

Our product innovations already meet the future requirements of the PPWR and we can therefore already offer our customers marketable solutions for the future packaging of their food products.

  • Sustainable Services

In the area of ​​sustainable services, we support our customers with EcoTrace® in the creation of comprehensive life cycle assessments in different forms, from simple screening to certified LCAs. In this way, we ensure that different packaging concepts can be compared on a fact-based basis and that our customers have all the information they need to assess the environmental impact of their packaging solutions.

  • Sustainable Business Models

It is our goal to keep the plastic we bring to market in the cycle for as long as possible. In doing so, we reduce the consumption of fossil raw materials on the one hand and the CO2 footprint of our packaging solutions on the other. We provide various recycling technologies for the circular management of our films and are the only film manufacturer that has direct access to chemical recycling technology.

  • NET Zero

SÜDPACK has committed itself to describing a C02 reduction path for Scope 1&2 and Scope 3 in accordance with the SBTi, which will reduce our C02 footprint by 76% or rather 25% respectively by 2030. We have launched first initiatives in this case.

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