FACHPACK | Migration Testing

Hall 6 / Booth Number 6-460

Migration Testing

Key Facts

  • Overall Migration
  • Specific Migration
  • NIAS Screenings


  • Associations, institutions
  • Packaging testing
  • Certification, qualification, validation

Key Facts

  • Overall Migration
  • Specific Migration
  • NIAS Screenings


  • Associations, institutions
  • Packaging testing
  • Certification, qualification, validation
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Product information

As a test lab accredited according to ISO 17025 we would like to convice you of our reliable and precise analytical results as well as our high quality and service standards. For this, we offer you the complete range of analyses necessary for food packaging materials from simple Overall Migrations, over more demanding Specific Migrations, up to complex NIAS Screenings with Risk-Assessments, but also Sensory Analyses, Microbiology and much more…

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Product Expert


Maciej Dalmann

Key Account Manager Packaging Materials

Maciej.Dalmann@cpt.eurofinseu.com +49 151 6250 7523

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