FACHPACK | Regulatory Research

Hall 4 / Booth Number 4-514

Regulatory Research


  • Design, planning


  • Design, planning
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Product information

For companies throughout the entire packaging value chain, it is crucial to stay informed in a constantly changing landscape of regulations. This dynamic is further complicated by the diversity of regulatory levels and the lack of globally established terminology. Non-compliance with regulations can result in fines or increased taxes. Non-compliance with regulations can result in fines or increased taxes.

We provide an overview of the European legal landscape and conduct a global examination of packaging and waste laws.

The results of our research are prepared for you in an interactive workbook . You will also receive a report summarizing the most important findings and an assessment of the significance of the individual regulations for your company.


  • EU Green Deal and EU Circular Economy Action Plan
  • Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation - PPWR
  • Waste Framework Directive (Directive EU 2018/851 on waste)
  • Single-Use Plastics Directive (Directive EU 2019/904 on the reduction of the impact of certain plastic products on the environment - SUPD)

=> Overview of regulations (especially from 2030)

=> Impact on your company


  • Packaging laws
  • Waste management laws
  • Material-specific laws (e.g.: plastic)
  • Plastic tax
  • Ecomodulation
  • Extended producer responsibility
  • Deposit system
  • Licensing
  • Labelling obligations
  • Further requirements of your company
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