FACHPACK | Packaging assessment

Hall 4 / Booth Number 4-514

Packaging assessment


  • Certification, qualification, validation


  • Certification, qualification, validation
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Product information

Actors in the packaging value chain are constantly faced with the challenge of meeting European Union regulations and remaining competitive in a rapidly evolving environment.

Success on the market depend on fulfilling legal requirements and the ecological performance of packaging.

Circular Analytics is more than happy to support you in the following areas:


Recyclability is already and will continue to be an essential parameter in the selection of packaging, both today and in the future. The implementation of the circular economy in the European Union is a topic of increasing relevance, as recyclable packaging promotes the closure of material cycles.

Technical recyclability of packaging is defined by the following minimal requirements:

  • Collection structure in the respective country is available
  • Sorting according to state-of-the art processes in defined material flows is available
  • Recycling of the material via mechanical recycling processes (chemical recycling in evaluation)
  • Recyclate can be used as a substitute for virgin material

Circular Analytics assists you in analyzing the technical recyclability of your packaging.

The calculation method is based on the “Assessment of the Recyclability of Packaging Goods” guideline of ECR Austria, which was developed in collaboration with FH Campus Wien.


The holistic sustainability assessment represents a multi-criteria evaluation method for packaging and their contents. Its aim is to consider various ecological aspects by incorporating different sustainability criteria.

Based on the three pillars of product protection, circularity, and the environment, relevant indicators for your packaging are selected from a pool of sustainability assessment indicators according to the Efficient Consumer Response (ECR) Guideline. These indicators are then analyzed and evaluated.


Sustainability assessment of packaging is just the first step towards a circular product with reduced environmental impact.

After analyzing the packaging, we assist you in the optimization prrocess.

Together with you we develop practical solutions to fully leverage the potential of your packaging portfolio. Our goal is to collaboratively devise sustainability strategies that not only minimize environmental impacts but also strengthen your products and your company in the long run.


Circular Analytics has co-authored industry guidelines several times.

For in-depth insights and to download our guidelines and publications, visit our website: https://circularanalytics.com/en/downloads/

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