Hall 5 / Booth Number 5-344


Key Facts

  • real smartbox
  • foldable walls
  • containers division


  • Boxes made of moulded plastic

Key Facts

  • real smartbox
  • foldable walls
  • containers division


  • Boxes made of moulded plastic
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Product information

SmartboxThe intelligent, reliable and economical answerto logistics and space problems in the industrialand agro-food sectors. Chosen by NATO.

Optimized logisticsand storage.From 54% to 66% extraspace*.Empty containers can bestored and transported byfolding the walls, thereforereducing the volume.Take advantage of more spacewhen the containers are emptyand a clear financial savingduring transportion.*Depending on the height of the container.No sharp edges.The walls and the bottom canbe closed or perforated andthe smooth, curved andwell-joined surfaces ensurethe preservation andprotection of delicateproducts. Smartbox is easyto clean and is also designedto prevent water stagnation,ensuring a high level ofhygiene and cleanliness.

Safe Stacking:thanks to the shape of thefeet and the skids whichare arranged the same bothon the open container andwhen the walls are folded,ensures maximum stabilityduring transportation andstacking.Incredible sturdiness.The structure and the skidsensure strength and stability.The base is available withtwo or three skids that givethe structure furthersturdiness and stability,allowing handling both withforklifts and pallet jacks.

Fully recyclable.The container, made ofhigh-density polyethylene(PE-HD), completely free ofmetal inserts, and is completelyrecyclable, as required by theEuropean circular economyspecifications. If broken, eachcomponent can be easilyreplaced without any special tools.

A wide range of accessoriesand standard sizes formaximum versatility.Four basic standard sizes,available in two heights,combined with a wide range ofaccessories, offer a brilliantresponse to the most diverseneeds of the market.

Tested and chosen by NATOAfter stringent tests, Smartboxwas chosen by NATO as asolution for its logistics. Furtherproof of Capp-Plast quality.

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