FACHPACK | Industrialbox

Hall 5 / Booth Number 5-344


Key Facts

  • industrialbox
  • 1091C
  • plastic boxes


  • Boxes made of moulded plastic

Key Facts

  • industrialbox
  • 1091C
  • plastic boxes


  • Boxes made of moulded plastic
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Product information

It is the loading and storageunit adaptable to the widestrange of industrial uses. Ithas dimensions that make itpossible to optimize thespace available on trucks, intransport containers, inwarehouses or can even beused as a service container inthe production departments.It is also suitable for containingliquids; it is resistant to diluteand concentrated solutions ofacid and alkaline nature.Non-toxic for food industry use,it is particularly suitable for coldstorage due to its resistance tocold and its high load capacity(unit mass = tons / squaremetre).The structure of thedouble-walled corners andcentral columns and thestructure of the bottom withreinforcing ribs guaranteegreater resistance tocompressive loads.It makes the containersuitable for heavy use; duringthe transport and storage ofboth bulky and packagedproducts and even liquids.

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