{{#each (getBooths HallNumber BoothNumber '|')}} Hall {{this.hall}} / Booth Number {{this.booth}} {{/each}}
Fields marked with * are mendatory
Please fill in the following contact details for any enquiries.
Focus topic (multiple choice)*
Yes, we will present our products and services in the form of a 20-minute presentation. The presentation is free of charge.
I have read the notes on the presentation.
By registering, the speaker grants the organizer the right to record his/her person and the lecture, including the slides or presentations shown by him/her, in audiovisual form and to publish the recordings on the Internet on the FACHPACK website and on FACHPACK 360° as well as on various social media (e.g. Youtube channel) audiovisual form and to distribute and/or link the recordings on the FACHPACK website and on FACHPACK 360° as well as in various social media (e.g. YouTube channel) and to make them accessible to the public and/or link them and make them accessible to the public and, following FACHPACK, to create content contributions to the lecture program, which will be published on the above-mentioned channels published on the above-mentioned channels.
By registering, the speaker assures that the media presented in the lecture (e.g. illustrations, films, speech, music), are free of third-party rights or may be used free of charge to the extent specified above. If copyrighted third-party content is included, the lecturer shall secure the necessary evidence of permission to use the content in his/her lecture and provide it on request and present it upon request. The speaker undertakes to indemnify the organizer against claims of third parties of any kind whatsoever arising from an infringement of industrial property rights and/or a copyright infringement in his/her lecture. The obligation to indemnify also includes the obligation to fully indemnify the organizer from legal defense costs (e.g. court and lawyer's fees).
The presenter will be contacted in advance by the moderator Petra Bindl to prepare the moderation and agree on the content of the moderation.
I agree that the INNOVATIONBOX moderator Petra Bindl may contact me in advance to prepare for the moderation. My contact details will be passed on to the presenter by NürnbergMesse for this purpose.
I agree that NürnbergMesse GmbH may record my person and my presentation or parts thereof, including the slides or presentations shown by me, in audiovisual form and to distribute the recordings on the Internet on the FACHPACK website and on FACHPACK 360° as well as in various social media (e.g. YouTube channel) and makes them accessible to the public.
You can object to the processing of personal data by NürnbergMesse GmbH at any time. Information relevant to data protection, in particular on exercising your rights as a data subject and on your contact options can be found at https://www.nuernbergmesse.de/en/data-protection.
Luisa Meyer