Gerhard Schubert GmbH Verpackungsmaschinen
About Schubert
We offer
- Box erectors
- Tray formers, tray erectors, crate erectors
- Carton erectors
- Box sealing machines
- Lidding machines, lid applying machines
- Carton sealing machines
- Horizontal cartoning machines, cartoners
- Tray packers
- Wrap-around packers
- Top loaders, case packers
- Sealing machines for flexible plastic packaging
- Horizontal tubular bag machines
- Flow pack machines
- Forming, filling and sealing machines (FFS), blister machines for flexible plastic packaging
- Thermoforming machines, deep-draw machines
- Sealing machines for moulded plastic packaging
- Closing machines (to screw or bounce sth.) for moulded plastic packaging
- Filling and sealing machines for moulded plastic packaging
- Forming, filling and sealing machines (FFS), blister machines for moulded plastic packaging
- Image processing systems, optical control systems
- Robot grippers, formatting tools, cobots
- Design, planning
- Engineering
- Optimisation
- Packaging construction
- Food and luxury food: Liquid products
- Food and luxury food: Chunky, piece products
- Beverage: Liquid products
- Pharmaceuticals: Chunky, piece products
- Medical devices: Chunky, piece products
- Cosmetics: Liquid products
- Cosmetics: Paste products
- Cosmetics: Chunky, piece products
- Chemicals: Liquid products
- Chemicals: Chunky, piece products
- Healthcare: Liquid products
- Healthcare: Paste products
- Healthcare: Chunky, piece products
- Pet food: Chunky, piece products
- Technical articles, other industrial goods
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Automation | Robots | Technology | Packaging Machines