Lüning verpackt
Your supplier for plastic-free anti-slip paper, fresh paper foil (Cellophane) and cool insulated packaging
We offer
- Paper, papers
- Cardboard, cardboard articles
- Pouches, bags made of textiles and fibre
- Thermal, isolated packaging
- Packaging from renewable resources
- Biodegradable packaging
- Reusable packaging
- Wet-adhesive tapes
- Edge protections
- Lining, laminating, coating
- Design, planning
- Optimisation
- Packaging samples
- Packaging testing
- Contract services
- Research, development
- Training
- Food and luxury food: Liquid products
- Food and luxury food: Paste products
- Food and luxury food: Powder, granules
- Food and luxury food: Chunky, piece products
- Beverage: Liquid products
- Beverage: Powder, granules
- Pharmaceuticals: Liquid products
- Pharmaceuticals: Paste products
- Pharmaceuticals: Powder, granules
- Pharmaceuticals: Chunky, piece products
Contact Information
About us

Sustainable packaging | Plastic-free speciality paper Anti-slip paper | Paper film with flavour-plus cellophane | Insulated packaging | Environmentally friendly packaging | Edge protectors